Dear all,
It has been 3 years since we graduated from Nanyang Primary. It certainly feels rather nostalgic when you go up the spiral staircase, take the lift up to the 5th floor and peer into the classroom: everything feels the same. Playing catching along the walkways, being devoted to a certain water cooler because it provides water is supposedly colder, folding paper cranes together, mugging for the final days before PSLE... (the canteen too, except that now there's a vegetarian stall, haha)
Spending 2 years together as a class means a lot to me, I guess you'd probably feel the same too. Nevertheless, going to upper sec is yet another transition: when we are all preparing to take on marginally important roles in co-curricular activities, yet coping with a heavier academic workload, it would seem really stressful at times. Of course, hopefully all of us would adapt to the new environment in time to come, and excel in it.
A few changes in 2008: additional class gatherings will not be planned. With prior experience, it is only a common sight that all of our schedules are absurdly packed, with little time for ourselves, let alone having time out for additional socialisation. Thus, we would only meet during prescribed 'half days', so try to make your way back to nyps whenever possible since there aren't many opportunities for us to meet up. Yup, so I guess we should treasure it =)
With 1 hour and 34 minutes before the Chinese New Year, I wish you all the best in the year ahead.

To Han Jie:
Ms Chan didn't ‘欺骗你的感情’. It was a pity that you missed her today, but nevertheless, there will be chances in future. In fact, Ms Chan would be back when were in J2, haha. You should have attended the Hwa Chong Council Investiture =P
To Rachel and Zhen Ling:
Please take a break in the CNY holidays and relax. Life isn't all about work, lol. It was quite surprising that you had to attend a meeting after CNY celebrations, haha. Jiayou for 2008, please don't overwork yourselves xD
To Victoria:
死的科目就需要死的方法来应付它。Thus, it is suggested that you mug chinese >.< taller ="x">.<) Hope you are doing well in your respective schools.
To Jie Rong:
I hope your sexual orientation is still acceptable; because Ying Siu has told us some horror stories about your current state. Oh well, have fun in ACSI.
For some reason, I'm exceptionally worn out today.
Must be burning out after sleeping past 2am every since school started this year.
Now there is only 54 minutes before chinese new year; sorry I couldn't cover everyone.
Happy new year in advance.