SC's having a dance concert on the 23rd of november 2007 in the afternoon and at night. IT'S FABULOUS!! trust me on this. :D
TICKETS are available on SISTIC and for more details, check it out on www.sistic.com :D
oh, btw, it's called SALEROSA. :DD
vicki here. :D
okay, i need to gather up an OT for the class gathering. :D i dunno, somehow I'm in charge. like. HUH. anyway, please? so far, THIS is the organising team:
1. vicki
2. zhen ling (who might not even be able to make it and wants me to call her only if i manage to get 4 people in the OT)
anyway, i've come up with a few suggestions for the gathering. and, you know, since it's been like 2 years since 05 and we manage to have gatherings at least annually so, you know, we're closer than the other 05 classes. i thought we could celebrate a bit. :D so let's spend the day by the beach. :D getting tan and playing in the sun, getting fried by the UV rays? :D how's the following suggestions sound? VOTE ON THE TAGBOARD!
1. spend the day by the beach and going through sentosa/ vivo, cycling and rollerblading then staying in a chalet/ camping at sentosa.
2. spend the day by the beach and BBQing and cycling and rollerblading, then camping at east coast.
they're pretty similar, i know. heh. or we could go
3. iceskating
4. bowling
but, if you ask me, the beach thing sounds cooler. :D we haven't decided on a date yet, so can you also say whether act or nov or dec is more convenient for you on the tagboard as well? thanks! :D
I miss Ms Chan and Mr Lee's presents! All the stickers, food, uno cards etc.!
Have a happy day and good luck for all your exams! (Wish me luck in november)