Haha..The neoprints we took at the gathering..Enjoy..
Hey, guys!! OK, updates to all who didn't made it to the gathering today. It was kinda screwed at the begining but at the end it was a success. Yeah!!! Oya!! The "funnest" part of the gathering was the visits to the.....TOILETS!!! So cool right. Haha. Everyone kept going to every toilet we saw. And Yikai was being perverted as usual. He was like peeping at the other guys. Haha. Anyways, before that..we went to orchard and play at the arcarde (Mr Lee treated us with 4 tokens eack..so generous of him..haha..thnx..) and then we went to take neoprints (Mr Lee paid for us again..Haha..thnx again..) Everyone had to squeeze into the machine. But it turned out ok, haha. Yahoo! After that Mr Lee had to leave, then Ms Chan came. And we ate Burger King. Then we were like just wondering around doing nothing. So we decided to go to Marina to bowl. Haha. Then most of them went bowling. But I kinda didn't cause I didn't know how to so I played at the arcade again. Haha. Bleh. Going off now..Bye guys..
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, now it's lunch in sch. x) later having NAPFA 5 stations. BOO! >.< supposed to be this fri but this fri haf sch CIP. =/oh wells. ah i am SO gonna die later. for the class gathering, can we have it at the beach party? wif BBQ??? tee-hee. x) and so sorry my b'dae this yr can't celebrate cause would probably be overseas. =( haiz... well, gotta go now! toodles!!! cheers!!! =D miss u all! (...?!?!?!?!?) hehe. byes. from: belly butt. =)
hey!... wanting.. me and zhenling still think u're bimbo.. and janice too I think..lol... anyway... chicken..when is e gathering?.. time,day,place?.. thanks! 'rach'
heyy people.
HCNYCSM rocckkkeddd todae. YAYY(: for all those ppl who do nt noe what im talkin bout it is the HWACHONGNANYANGCOMBINEDSPORTSMEET. & it rocked- alot x)) wheeee. i guess it was a 'memorable' experiance bcuz FIRSTLY, i jus realised tt howahjiang is SO NOT in aep ( i shld hav knwn since he cant draw for nuts) & SECONDLY, jk is more horny than evr. nice try tryin to look up tt innocent ny girl's skirt. haha. ohh n, chouwanton is nt bimbo. SHE IS TEHH (wdv tt means). lolss. plus i hrd tt they all went bk to nyps to visit teachers lehh. WAHAHAHASSS:( i wasnt able to go. so saddd... hmmpphh xD
ohh i jus realised i havent went bk to nyps since like... forever. :( so must hav class gatherin soon ppl !!!
okk, im prettie sick of this blogskin so i shall change asap as soon as i find a suitable one. so people if u find a niccee one pls tell me kaes?
hello!!! i finally got the username and password. =D yip! ok anyways, today had my 2.4km run. oh i am half dead now. >.<>.< but while waiting for the results i will perhaps find 6Hers and talk. if i haf time. i hope. =D well, i haf no hw over this long break. i can't believe it. i expected the teachers to load us with hw, but NO! yays!!!!!! well, i still miss nyps, and i haf to do a chinese compo next week on my pri sch....x) well, gtg now, but miss you all!!! =D
oh btw that was me, as in ysabel. x) ok cheers!!!
haha, our class blog is like turnin out 2 b sum sort of complain webbie.
debra/debra tay/debz/debbie/debzie/the bra/cobra/zebra/algebra(i got 90.0 for CA)/the bra
i hope that u all can contact kahhow asap abt the dates u are free for class gathering
really hope to see ALL of u guys
even though we were lame by hating each other
and and and..the anti wadeva clubs LOL
come to think of it, its lame loh
CYA (all of ya)
n yar, i noe theres a tagboard but pls do not turn it into a chatroom, although it would be perfectly suited ;) , but nvm, dats not the point. oso I would lyk to add dat we are kinda separated now so can we stop acting lyk we are enemies cos dats jus not nice. we r lyk ex-classmates n we act as those we r ppl from different tribes warring against each other, n it’s not lyk I wanna pick a fite, it’s d ppl tokin to me 1! so if u feel lyk arguing dun tok to me, n stop d civil war
finally, I would lyk to re-enforce dat im sori if I had hurt u ppl in 1 way or the other (yar lyk real) n do not blame me if im too harsh.
hugs n kisses (lyk real)

hey!! all original yellow grouppies dis is 4 ya
sorry! i got a lot of spelling error everywhere at my comment. ya it is suppose be a lot of hw @ ny. also is suppose to be math instead of amth. the wo should be would.
ya actually i think all of you would have guess what i have written. but wan ting said i made really lots of spelling errors. so i decided to change it coz it might make me look steewpid. ( shld noe this well by now rite! toking about wan ting and janice)
Hey wan ting, i agree with you tt lee wen juan is brainwashing us with China and she DESPISES(is that how you spell?) us!!!!! She cheated our test time so and i cannot finish the paper!! T_T
And i did so badly for the math test lor. Ms yeo cheng yong gave some crappy class discussion. Oh ya just to tell you that Mrs chua mei hong has caught amanda tan for a hair and sharlene for FBTs. ya so put more clips. Hahax.
Li lao shi, you know ny so stress leh. then hor give a lot of ! dun believe ask wan ting and janice. life there is really bad. esp. the tchers. so hor no time to visit. i dun like my present tcher who speak like i cannot understand like tt. her accent is really killing me!!!
Ms Chan! you thought english in p5 and the english you use here is terrible. bet you would have said tt if we were in p5 using this kind of language in the compo. (rite?!) your language is just like mine. Lol
Miss chan, is there a way to improve your amth besides doing 15 min of practice every nite? My math tcher ask us to do tt every nite. (bet wan ting and janice wo laugh @ this)
miss everyone in 6h 05
the insulator